
Ollie born 30 June 2013

Everytime I read or hear that someone has given birth, I get teary and a well of happiness rises in me. I only hope they had a positive experience like I did,

Body Image Post Birth

Body Image. Two words that can hit a sensitive nerve in many women ” particularly post-birth. You see ” our body does change after we birth our babies. It takes on average 38-42 weeks for our body to put on the weight and stretch and bend for our babies ” and it will take some […]

So What’s the Story About Group B Strep (GBS) – Can it be Treated

“The first time I realised we would need to alter our birthing plan was when I was told I was Group B positive. Unfortunately we had had the test before the discussion in class about it, and in future I doubt I will choose to have it. I was very panicky and teary when I […]

Elliot MJ born 18 June 2013

Truthfully, we expected to walk into your class surrounded by a bunch of caftan wearing hippies and were so pleasantly surprised that this wasn’t the case 🙂

Elijah James born 16 June 2013

The induction was tough in the beginning, as you do go from nothing to intense regular surges in about 10 minutes, but as I had had surges the night before, I

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