William (Billy) Clancy born 18 November 2012

Hypnobub "Billy"Our lovely little boy William (“Billy”) Clancy was born on 18 November 2012.
We had to book an induction and in the lead up to the date I tried to bring on the birth naturally.  I found the Hypnobirthing cd, visualisations and relaxation helped me remain calm at what could have been a stressful time full of acupuncture appointments, curry eating, walking etc.
After the artificial membrane rupture we requested not to have the synto straight away and I laboured in the early labour ward at the Mater from about 9 am til about 4pm. This was a lovely private and peaceful time of Hypnobirthing in a “cave”with dim lighting and calm music.
We ended up moving to a birth suite and having the synto drip around 5pm or so and things got more intense. I was proud of our work to have got as far along before going on the drip. I found the affirmation “my body will remain limp and still” especially useful at this time and I remained calm through the intensity. I ended up using gas and found I could combine this with the surge breathing.
At around 9 cm dilated I was pushing uncontrollably which was probably due to the baby’s position, and an epidural was suggested which I agreed to (it took a while to happen though). Ultimately the baby’s heartbeat showed fatigue and he was rotated with a ventouse cap. The attempt to pull him out that way failed. The doctor then used forceps to assist and our little one was born.
While it was not a textbook hypnobirth, the techniques were still very helpful, and Billy is certainly a hypnobub! Everyone marvels at how placid and alert he is. He smiles beautifully at strangers and melts their hearts!
Thank you very much for your course in Paddington last August.
Yasmin, Justine, Luca (very proud older brother) and Billy
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