Tristan, born August 2015

I wanhypnobubs hypnobirthing online course testimonial perthted to take this opportunity to say thank you for putting together the online Hypnobirthing course (Hypnobubs). I started it quite late in the game, 30 plus weeks, however it really helped me relax and give me confidence in the lead up. The Surge of the Sea (album) put me to sleep every night! When it came to labour, I found the breathing techniques very helpful and it helped me stay focused.

My active labour progressed quickly, very intense, lasting approx 4hours! The breathing in conjunction with my amazing (Hypnobirthing Australia) Doula, Vicki Hobbs, helped me achieve an entirely drug free, natural labour. You and Vicki made a real difference to my second birth experience.

(Tristan was born late August and weighed 4.2 kg)

Danika, Perth, Western Australia

You can learn more about the Hypnobubs Hypnobirthing Online Course here.

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