
Hypnobirthing and Yoga – The Perfect Complement

Hypnobirthing and Yoga – the Perfect Complement
prenatal yogaWhat is yoga?

Contrary to what many people may believe, Yoga is not simply a form of physical exercise or stretching for the body. Yoga is a comprehensive, holistic self-care system involving the integration of body, mind and spirit to enhance a sense of wellbeing and encourage a state of equanimity. A balanced yoga practice will include body work, breathing techniques and meditation. 

Likewise, a common misconception of hypnobirthing is that it involves being “under hypnosis” or in a trance, as many people have seen during hypnosis stage performances. Hypnobirthing as taught by Hypnobirthing Australia, uses a combination of techniques including breathing, movement, relaxation and visualisation to help create a positive mindset for a calm, relaxed birthing experience. 

What do Yoga and Hypnobirthing have in common?

Both Yoga and Hypnobirthing acknowledge the importance of breath; as a connection to the life force and as a powerful tool for relaxation. Different breathing techniques are utilised to effectively change a woman’s mindset and body function during labour and birth.

Yoga asana is the physical practice that can help release energy blockages in the body to allow prana, or the life force, to flow more freely. This aligns with Hypnobirthing Australia’s teachings on releasing fear and tensions to encourage a calm and relaxed birth. Both modalities also promote physical postures to assist and support foetal positioning.

Women who are already familiar with Yoga may find that during pregnancy they are drawn to a more gentle, meditative practice. For some women, pregnancy is when they discover Yoga for the first time, as they slow down and their energy becomes more introspective. 

What is Pregnancy Yoga?

Pregnancy Yoga focuses on staying open and creating space, both physically and mentally. Deep relaxation and guided meditations are encouraged. Hypnobirthing is the perfect program for this change of energy as women can utilise the visualisations and guided relaxations provided on MP3s to complement their Yoga practice, while also gaining knowledge about the birth process. For those women who have not yet discovered Yoga, Hypnobirthing can plant the seed of a lifetime practice. 

Yoga and hypnobirthing complement each other perfectly, with an emphasis on inducing a state of connection and relaxation, both provide tools to promote a positive birth experience and a smooth transition into motherhood. 

This blog is written by Narelle Italiano who is a Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner. 

For all other locations for face-to-face classes –  find your closest Practitioner here.

We also have online options available. Click here for further info.  

Recommended Pregnancy Yoga Services. 

Lauren Arthur (Loz) teaches Pre Natal Yoga, Mums and Bubs, Mums and Tots, Kids Yoga, Teens Yoga & Family Yoga in studios around Brisbane. Ph: 0422768746 bekarmayoga@gmail.com Relax Yoga, Chermside West www.relaxyoga.com.au Bookings phone: Loz 0422768746

Angel Yoga 4 Kids (AYK) Fortitude Valley
(Angel Yoga 4 Kids licensed facilitator and teacher trainer)
Bookings phone: Loz 0422768746

Pregnancy Yoga Brisbane

Pregnancy Yoga Gold Coast

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