My Posterior Birth Story

So here is my birth story, it didn’t go exactly how I planned but I was still able to use hypnobirthing techniques I think the thing that particularly had a lot of meaning for me, in the end, was the quote ‘I am calmly prepared to meet whatever turn my birthing takes’

My water broke after midnight, I had contractions ranging from 3-15min throughout the whole morning. I let my midwife know at 6 am and she told me to wait a bit longer until they get consistent, they, however, ended up stopping altogether.

My midwife rang after a few hours and said I should go in to get checked just to make sure everything is okay. I went in around 9am and was planning to go back home toBeautiful Family Photo wait but unfortunately, my baby had passed meconium and his heart rate wasn’t fully consistent enough for them to be happy so now they suggested the best option would be to get induced to move things along.

I ended up getting induced at around 11 am, my partner did light touch, we played the tracks from hypnobirthing, did bouncing on the ball, went into the shower (I unfortunately now wasn’t able to have a water birth because of the meconium) but after 11 hours of 3min apart intense contractions I was starting to feel quite sick, absolutely exhausted and I just felt I could not go on.

I ended up getting the epidural even though I was very set on no drugs. This actually helped a lot also to mention I was only about 5cm dilated about 15 hours later and my baby was still in a posterior position. I finally was able to start pushing 27 hours later because I was fully dilated and my babies heart rate was getting way to high and we needed to get him out because his heart rate was way too high I had assistance with forceps to get him out.

After 28 hours from when my water broke I gave birth to my little boy, he came out posterior. My birth was not what I had planned and went for a very long time but I felt I was able to take each turn as it came and was able to stay calm throughout most of it. I am so happy to have my little man healthy and happy!

Thanks for reading and taking interest in my birth story!!
Steph xx


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