
My First Birth Was Traumatic. My Second was a Hypnobirth!

Dear Melissa,

I just want to thank you for your wonderful online course that prepared me mentally in the lead-up and during the birth of my second bub. After my first labour where INewborn baby being weighed was induced, in bed with stirrups, with an assisted delivery complete with a ventouse and episiotomy I was quite traumatised. I told a friend that I was quite scared about labour this time around and she recommended your Hypnobubs Online course.

I crammed listening to a lesson a night as I was 36 weeks pregnant. I found your ‘toolkit’ so helpful. I was so calm and zen and the contractions were so manageable that we stayed at home way too long and delivered our beautiful baby girl Heidi calmly in the car at the roundabout just inside the hospital grounds. Friends and family all imagined that to be quite traumatic but it was beautiful, calm and by far my favourite of the two labours so far because of hypnobirthing.

Hypnobirthing Mum Tess and husband holding newborn baby

The visualisation of surges being like a wave in the ocean alongside breathing and listening to positive affirmations was immensely effective for me. I also loved your focus on the removal of fear as that was a big mental roadblock for me prior to listening to your course. I cannot recommend hypnobirthing enough and I will be hypnobirthing for baby number three! Thank you so much.


Tess, Newcastle Australia

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Find out more about our Hypnobirthing Online Course HERE.

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