Joc was born on 25 Feb a healthy 3.62kg with lots of black hair!!
Hypno birthing helped me to get through the first stages of labour. The midwives commented how Calm and in control I was.
At one stage my contractions really slowed but listening to my rainbow relaxation relaxed me and sped them up again
The only thing I regret is that as i progressed I didn’t trust my instincts. I went very slowly to 5cm or 6 cm then rocketed through to 10cm once I got into the bath. I knew I needed to push but didn’t think I could have progressed 4cm in 25 mins. This made me panic a bit but it was fine once I got the ok to push and we all got there in the end!
The other thing that was clear was that when I relaxed things moved so much more quickly. I think Hypnobirthing gave me some tools to relax and take control of what was happening. It also gave me the confidence to even attempt a vaginal birth which was a big step for me given all the horror stories I’d been told!
I am so happy we didn’t use drugs apart from a bit of gas and air in the late stages. Jocelyn breastfeed straight away and, from birth, has been so aware and engaged but also calm.
Thanks for your help and support.
Lisa Michael and Little Miss Jocelyn