
Ivy Teresia, born 9 June 2014

Even though our beautiful water-hypno- birth “plan” didn’t go to plan (quite the opposite), I can honestly say that doing the Hypnobirthing course with my fiancé Josh helped us tremendously. Being ‘calmly prepared for whatever turn my birthing may take’ and havingthe confidence and knowledge to question certain procedures while staying very relaxed in a very stressful situation, honestly made our emergency C-section feel like ‘a walk in the park’. Even the hospital staff were impressed on how relaxed we both were! (in hindsight I don’t think I fully understood the severity of my situation – I was just too chilled out about it, in my ‘bubble of comfort’ ;).

What started off as a weekend away to the in-laws with what we thought was food poisoning after severe abdominal pain and vomiting, ended with a beautiful, healthy baby girl being born 3 weeks early! Turned out I had a sudden onset of pre-eclampsia so ‘lucky’ we went to the emergency room that night just to make sure everything was alright. Having no previous symptoms and a picture perfect pregnancy so far we were both surprised that within an hour of presenting to the emergency department I was now being admitted, induced and being prepped for a emergency C-section under general anaesthetics due to the severity of the pre-eclampsia. My abdominal pain was my enlarged liver, both kidneys and liver were failing and my platelets were dropping fast combined with a sky-high blood pressure. There was unfortunately no time to wait for labour to kick in, we had to deliver the baby – fast! Throughout this whirlwind of decisions and procedures being made, I managed to stay calm as a cucumber. As I was being prepped for surgery my surges had started at 10 minute intervals but I couldn’t feel them. I was hooked up on the machine that was monitoring the baby’s heartbeat and my contractions. I was sitting in bed smiling – I was soon about to meet my baby!

Josh was also amazing during this time and used the BRAN technique while talking to Doctors about our options. I think because he was so calm – I was calm. I felt safe. I used the ‘bubble of comfort’ and counting down when I felt tension creeping up. Josh also helped me through by reading out the scripts for me and helped me to continue to breathe calmly.

Baby Ivy Teresia was born in Toowoomba Hospital on the 9th June (3 weeks early) weighing 3020grams and 49cm.
After the surgery, Ivy had her first skin-to-skin on Josh while I was waking up. Poor Ivy tried to breastfeed Josh!! As soon as I woke up Ivy was placed on my chest and started to look for the breast to feed! She was such a mellow little girl even though a rough entry to the world! I was still quite unwell and was in hospital for 8 days with magnesium sulphate drip, blood thinners and blood pressure medication.

Finally we got to go home and Ivy has been a great baby! She is breast feeding like no tomorrow, sleeping well and is a very quiet and happy baby! After all – she is a Hypno-bub!! 🙂

Even though our initial birth plan was to have a drug-free water hypno-birth at hospital, learning everything we did in the course and all the relaxation techniques, helped both of us through what could potentially been a panic struck, distressing, overwhelming and disappointing birth.

Thank you Melissa for all your help and encouraging words along the way! And thanks to all the wonderful staff and doctors who supported us in Toowoomba; we really had a 5 star treatment there.

xxx Love Josh, Susanna and baby Ivy, NSW



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