It’s a boy Born 22 July 2013

hypnobirthing australia hypnobirth brisbane queensland natural birth antenatal classJust wanted to share the news that I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on 22nd July at 7:15am, weighing 3.1kgs, 50cms long and 11 days early!!

I woke up all of a sudden at 12:30am with my waters breaking and straight into almost 60 second surges 4-5 mins apart, arrived at Mater Hospital around 3:30am and was already 5 cms dialated. Baby then arrived at 7:15am and by the time he was half wrapped in a blanket and bought to my chest he was fast asleep!!  Everyone commented that they had not seen such a calm placid baby so soon after birth!

Labour was all drug free and although I didn’t get a birthing suite with a bath (seems a lot of women went into labour with the full moon haha!) I used the hot shower and breathing techniques to help with surges.

After I had bub I ended up having 2 stitches for minor tears (only because of an unidentified bleed and excessive blood loss) but had no drugs during the actual labour which is what I wanted.

Rachel was so amazing and used affirmations, light touch massage and reminded me to continue my breathing down technique when I lost touch for a bit towards the end!! I also had my grandma there who used reiki for my back pain and anchoring touch in the final moments. Rachel then got to help deliver baby once the head was out and then I had my grandma cut the cord, such an amazing experience!!!

I can’t thank you enough for the classes and information provided by you and although we didn’t use all the techniques I wanted to I still had an amazing birth!!

Attached is a photo of bub with my grandma within an hour of being born.

It is pretty amazing and I am still in disbelief that this perfect little human is mine lol!!

Bianca xox (Carina, Brisbane)

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