
I had the most amazing birth and I feel the tools from the hypnobirthing really helped me

Emily’s Birth Story

Emily's hospital birthEmily & Chris

Baby Sonny

July 2021

Narrogin Hospital


We had another little boy, his name is Sonny ?

I had the most amazing birth and I feel the tools from the hypnobirthing really helped me and also to have confidence within myself that I could do it.

I woke up with mild surges at around 6.30am on 03/07/21 at 40+2 weeks. Chilled in bed with my partner and 3yo.  Surges were regular, probably about every 10 mins but very mild.  We got up and went about our usual morning routine.  I bounced on my fitball while helping Hudson with his breakfast and listening to my affirmations.  Surges were becoming more intense as the morning went on but I was able to use my breathing techniques and visualisations so I was getting through them really well.

The visualisation I found most helpful was imagining I was going up and down gentle waves of the ocean.

Chris applied the TENS Machine for me when surges were becoming more intense and used light touch massage which I found really helpful.  Hudson even rubbed my back for a quick second.

At 1pm I decided it was time to head to the hospital.  Chris put the last few things in the car, and we headed to the hospital which is 50km away from home.  I found it hard not being able to move much during the car ride but found rolling my ankles and tapping my feet helped.  I listened to the surge of the sea script through the car. Chris said he was quietly taking note of my surges and he told me afterwards that there was more surge than time in between.  We got to town and dropped Hudson off at his Grandparents house.  Got to the hospital at around 1.45pm.  I had a surge in the car park and another one in the ED, another on the way down to maternity and another in the birthing suite.  I sat on the toilet because I felt the need to wee and then realised that my body was starting to push. My mum got to hospital just in time.

I hopped up on the bed and the midwife checked me and said that I was fully dilated so began pushing at around 2pm.  Mum and Chris were both rubbing my back which was really soothing and I had my scripts playing in the background.   Sonny was born at 2.27pm.

3580g 48cm long

I had active 3rd stage and placental delivery was fine

Emily breastfeeding her newbornI had a very shallow 2nd degree tear because he decided to try come out with his hand up near his face so I had 2 stitches.

Sonny was feeding within 20 mins and I was having a cup of tea and some celebratory chocolate.

I could not of asked for a better birth experience, although I did not get the Waterbirth I was hoping for, (due to the bath suite being occupied and also the fact that they wouldn’t of had time to run the bath) I am so happy with how it all went and I am so proud of myself.

I have preached hypnobirthing to all my friends and family because of how much it helped me.

My sister in law recently participated in the course and she is due with a baby girl this week!

Thankyou so much for allowing us to access this awesome resource!


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