I got the birth I had dreamed of for so long

Isabella’s Birth Story

Natural Water BirthBallina Sundae 3730 grams
40 weeks + 2
Natural water birth

My birth story starts off with having a stretch and sweep at 40 weeks on the day with my birth centre Midwife, who I had been with the whole time. for the next two days, I continued to have intense cramps, but not so intense that I couldn’t sleep or carry on with my day. On the day that I gave birth, I was confused with what my body was doing, as I didn’t think this is how it was gonna go.

I pictured my birth coming in strong as my first birth was four hours and was an induced labour and was intense from the start.

At 12 pm, I went to the Birth centre in Byron Bay and got assessed. I was 4 cm dilated, but was very inconsistent with the times in between my contractions, sometimes 10 minutes sometimes 25 minutes.

Natural Water BirthShe reminded me that they had very strict rules there and that I have if I haven’t progressed, I would’ve had to go to a far away hospital, not close to my home.

They recommended me to go to Lismore base hospital, which was closer to my home to get my waters, broke to speed things along.

The second I walked in the door It was like my body knew that’s where I needed to be.

After sitting in the shower for 10 minutes, I had intense backpain. They offered me sterile water shots which I accepted. I didn’t expect the roar that came out of my mouth. I apologise to the midwives who said dont be silly.

The next 40 minutes, I sat in the bath, silent doing my Hypnobirthing breaths. I had my Hypnobirthing track playing, and it was soothing as I listen to it for half of my pregnancy to calm me down.

Natural Water BirthIt always seem to put me asleep, especially the rainbow one.

Suddenly I looked up at my partner and I said her head is there. Nobody believed me they said okay love I doubt it, but let me have a quick check with the mirror.

I then hear the Midwife tell my husband- in a second I want you to press that button on the wall okay? I knew what that meant, I knew she was close and I knew that I was right her head was right there.

Two minutes, later of pushing and deep, groaning, she was out on my chest no one had touched her and I got the birth I had dreamed of for so long. 50 min active labour calm and drug free all thanks to hypnobirthing.

Thank you guys

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