Jenna’s Birth Story
Baby Mackenzie
August 2021
Bunbury Hospital
Mackenzie’s arrival at 37 weeks…..
Being my first baby, I’d mentally started preparing to go to 41 weeks. So, the events of 19th August came as a great surprise. I wish I’d finished reading my pregnancy books, so I was a little bit more prepared for the different stages of labour. I stayed quite active throughout my whole pregnancy, even with the ever-present morning sickness and it definitely helped. Swimming was my favourite. After we did the classes early July, I trawled the hypnobirthing website, played the music, listed to various positive birth podcasts, ate dates, drunk raspberry leaf tea and practiced letting go of stresses.
At my baby shower, late July, I had an activity space for friends to contribute to my affirmation board. I asked guests to leave a message, quote or picture to support us over the next few months. After the shower, I had the board on display in my living area so that I could see it daily. I added affirmations around the house, on the fridge, mirrors, toilet doors. The affirmation on my wardrobe mirror was “I am growing our baby to be the perfect size for my body”. The toilet door contained pictures of lotus flowers with the breathing points for the last stage and the “J” passage.
During the nights when I’d struggle to roll over or get comfortable, I’d thank my body for creating the relaxin that I’d need to stretch and birth our baby. Looking back, I must have been in the early stages of labour on Wednesday at 36+6. I was tired, nauseous, uncomfortable, cramping and took multiple recharge naps. I accepted it as normal for my last week at work. I also had an influx of oxytocin in the form of a pamper box. My work team gifted me slippers, chocolate, wine, moisturiser, candles and the all-important Clary Sage oil. They made me cry with all that love (I’m not at all an emotional person).
That night I had the most relaxing bath. Yes, I used the Clary Sage oil, my midwife had said I could use it from 37 weeks, and I figured I was only a few hours out. My partner, Tim, also did some of the stretches and sarong positioning that we learnt at the birthing class. We’d been doing these maybe once or twice a week. I slept well and woke refreshed. I went to the toilet multiple times that morning but was showered and dressed for work before the vomiting commenced. From about 7am, I wasn’t able to leave the bathroom, I’d started rolling around on the floor between using the toilet. There was a dull heavy pain around my pubic bone. 0730, when I was due to leave the house for work, is the last grasp I had on time. When I spoke with my midwife, she said it sounded like gastro.
A bit later I called Tim home from work. He rang the midwife as blood had started to show. We were advised to come to the hospital to get checked out. I got my eye mask on to block everything out and for Tim to take the lead on dealing with people. The car ride was horrendous. I was not comfortable sitting down and had to keep a bucket on my lap for the nausea. We arrived at the hospital, maybe 1030-11am and I thought I could walk upstairs to the maternity ward with my eye mask on! I’d had to stop twice in about 100m for contractions, so I was pushed into a chair and whizzed upstairs in a flash.
My MGP midwife, Amy, was there to meet us. After assessing me she said it wasn’t gastro, but I was 8cm dilated and was having a baby today. This changed my mindset quite quickly once I pushed the shock aside. I jumped into the shower to take stock. I asked about my water birth but knew it was in a different room and I didn’t want to move again so I let it go and forgot about it.
Tim put on a random mediation playlist because I hadn’t yet created my playlist and got the Clary Sage onto the towels I was using in the shower. I surged on all fours and rested laying down on my side. It didn’t feel like there was much rest between waves. I made plenty of noises, grunting, groaning and heavy breathing.
In my mind I saw my affirmation board, I saw myself floating in the ocean, moving up and down with the waves. I saw myself surfing at the cut, with the sunshine and dolphins. Some rests I’d be fully engaged and have a chat, others I’d stay in my zone and actually rest. I remember saying “this has been fun but I’ve nearly had enough”.
At one point I thought about asking to try the gas, I figured I’d been so sick already that it couldn’t make me feel any worse. During my next rest I didn’t actually talk about gas but instead about my White Elephant Thai order, planned for work luncheon the next day! I clearly remember when Amy explained I was ready to push baby’s head around the “J”. I was able to visualise exactly what was happening and how to do it because of my affirmations and pictures at home.
For the final few surges, I was standing. Amy used her hands on some pressure points on my lower back for some quick relief, it felt great. I recall someone saying reach down and grab your baby, he’s almost here. There was a gush of blood and fluid and baby had arrived. I bought baby up to my belly and chest. A chair was pushed in behind me to sit on and there were smiles all round. Out on the bed, the warm towels/blanket were amazing. Baby was tucked into my chest.
I was fairly zoned out by now. The midwives did their thing. The cord was clamped and cut; the photos show 7 minutes after birth. Nice and white. Amy helped with latching Mackenzie to the boob and then the golden hour began. It was amazing, everyone left, the room was dim and the 3 of us got to be together.
I feel so incredibly lucky, we had such a smooth quick birth. I got the drug free birth I’d hoped for and there was plenty of water even if I didn’t make it to the bath. We stayed a night because we weren’t quite prepared at home, the bassinet wasn’t set up, the fire wasn’t going, and dinner wasn’t prepared. Mackenzie returned to the hospital nursery day 4 and 5 for jaundice treatment (with me downstairs as maternity was full).
Miss Mackenzie born 19.08.21 at 1:57pm, 3.69kg, 50cm long. She’s thriving and developing a beautiful little personality.
Thank you again