
Hypnobirthing Video of a Beautiful Australian Birth

Thank you to this very special hypnobirthing family who has shared their precious moments with us all, and to The Heart of Motherhood birth photography/doula who has captured this hypnobirthing video so beautifully.

Our Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner Emma from Hypnobirthing Ipswich was there to support this mother as she hypnobirthed like a star! And it is also worth mentioning here that the little hypnobub was 10lb9oz! Just goes to show that we are perfectly designed to birth our babies.

Congratulations to the family on achieving your calm, positive and gentle birth.

Follow their journey through pregnancy, birth (a hypnobirth at home in water – he was born in the caul, too!) and little Jonah’s early days.

In this video, see the birth partners using the scripts, massage, prompting and other tools that we teach in our Hypnobirthing Australia classes.

See the mother relaxing and breathing through her surges. Hear her vocalising as her baby moves down the birth path.

You can also hear the tracks that we use in the background at the time (I’m proud to have made a cameo appearance! lol)

I have tears streaming down my face after watching this video – it is a must see. Enjoy!!!!

Melissa x

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