
Finn, born 1 July 2014

Hi Melissa,

Just thought I’d share some more details with you about the birth of our baby boy Finn on 1st July.

I had been in a great deal of pain (mentally and physically) in the weeks leading up to his birth. I think I must have gone to bed every night for 2 weeks thinking “tonight’s the night” only to repeat it again the next day and night. I was so over it, and really struggling not to despair that I’d be pregnant forever. Since Amelia had been born at 39 weeks, I expected the same this time around, and had been telling people we’d have a baby any day now since about 37 weeks! The only thing I could think to do to keep myself focused was listen to the hypnobirthing tracks, which I did every day when Amelia slept.

Ironically, once I’d accepted that I’d be pregnant forever, and stopped thinking “tonight’s the night” I went to bed and woke up a few hours later (11:30pm) as my waters had broken. I came out to the lounge room to tell Kynan and then tried to go back to bed, as there were no other signs that I was in labour. I phoned our midwife who suggested we just come to her place (the birth centre where we had planned to birth), given our history of surprise births! Once I realised I had no chance of getting back to sleep, we packed Amelia into the car and headed to the birth centre. I started getting contractions on the way, so figured it was a wise move we’d made.

We eventually settled Amelia to sleep there at around 1am, and Kynan got some shut eye too. I was getting regular contractions at this point that were a little uncomfortable but not painful in any way and decided to go have a bath. I stayed in the bath for about an hour I think, just floating around visualising waves crashing onto a beach with every surge I had. I figured things would be like this for a while, since I still wasn’t in any pain. I contemplated getting up and walking around for a while, since I figured floating around wouldn’t do much to hurry things along. But after getting in an out of the bath a few times to go to the loo, I decided I would go and wake Kynan as I wasn’t having any fun on my own anymore – things were starting to intensify. I drank some orange juice and then immediately had to go and throw it up, so I told Kynan to wake our midwife. This was probably about 3am.

From then on it was a flurry of activity – the 2 of them trying to fill the birthing pool, and me glued to the toilet. I became quite upset as I thought the intensity of it all would get the better of me, and that I wouldn’t be able to continue for much longer (sound familiar?!) They both reassured me that it seemed the baby would be born pretty soon, but once again I didn’t believe them!

Somehow I managed to get off of the toilet (the most comfortable place in the world at that stage!) and walk across the outside balcony to the birthing room where the pool was being filled. I took one look at it and made my way back to the bathroom and dark safety of the toilet. I still have no idea how I managed to walk! And that’s where I stayed. Moments later, the baby’s head started crowing and I managed to move from the toilet to the bathroom floor where he was born. It was 4am – 4.5 hours since my waters broke!

We were both so pleased to see that we had a baby boy, and shed more than a few tears at the intensity of the moment. We had a baby girl, and a baby boy, both of whom came into the world in style. It was perfect.

Amelia woke up at 6am and met her baby brother (a moment I missed as I was in the shower), and we enjoyed some time together as a family before I went to sleep and a friend came to pick Amelia up so that Kynan could do the same.

So, there you have it. It was almost anticlimactic in it’s brevity but I have no doubt it was like that because of how relaxed and ready we were.

Thanks once again for reminding me to trust myself and my body. On hearing some recent birthing stories, I’m reminded again of how fortunate we are to have stumbled upon hypnobirthing and been able to have had such beautiful births.

We will try to pop in some time soon so that you can meet Finn and see how much Amelia has grown!

Lots of love to you and your family.

Kirsty, Kynan, Amelia and Finn, Lismore, NSW


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