I really can’t begin to describe what an empowering and amazing experience it was to be able to bring our baby girl into the world!

Brooke’s Birth Story

I had completed the online hypnobirthing course and also a face to face hypnobirthing course in Karratha (through Ashley from Birthed With Love) which I did with my husband. I also had an amazing Doula (Steph) and husband (Jared) as part of my birthing team. I feel all of the above played a part, and really prepared me in the lead up to the birth and throughout my labour.

Unfortunately, my original birth plan changed a little bit in the final weeks, as I couldn’t go into labour naturally (as planned). This was due to my amniotic fluid being very low and my placenta was starting to degenerate as well, which was not ideal for our baby girl. Because of these reasons, the medical team at Karratha Health Campus, my husband and I decided that it was safest for our baby to be induced at 38 weeks and 1 day, rather than to wait for me to go into labour naturally and risk further complications and possible stress to our baby.

This was dissapointing for me, as I was really hoping to go into labour naturally and also because I was then unable to labour in the birthing baths as planned either, because I needed to have a drip and be hooked up to monitors, for the duration of my labour.

My waters were broken by 8am and I was induced early on September 6th, 2021. My body then started naturally labouring, only a few hours after the oxytocin was administered, so the midwife was able to stop the oxytocin drip.

I was able to utilise many different pain management strategies in my “tool kit” throughout my labour. I believe that the following “tools” helped me to manage my labour pains and to safely birth Charlotte without any further interventions, (after the initial inducing): affirmations, breathing, TENS machine, shower and music. Although, I did end up making use of the gas in the later stage of my labour.

I really can’t begin to describe what an empowering and amazing experience it was to be able to bring our baby girl into the world! Charlotte was born at 7.55pm on September 6th, 2021 and has brought so much joy into our lives ever since ?

Thank you and the hypnobirthing team for the integral part you played in assisting me to feel prepared, equipped and calm through the lead up to my birth, and throughout my labour!


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