Eleanor, born 20 October 2014

Another successful VBAC story to share and inspire!

Hi Melissa,

Bruce, Solara and I welcomed little Eleanor, 9lbs 6oz, on the 20th of October via sucessful VBAC!

After taking your class in June we had our first appointment with Doctors the following week. From then on we were met with negativity for our wishes for a natural birth. I knew we were going to have to stick to our guns and prove we were making informed decisions. I think it is funny though, they only informed us of the risks of VBAC not once were we informed of the risks of a repeat cesarean or the benefits of natural birth.

I went for a growth scan and bub was measuring just right. They told me they did not like post dates and I would need to be induced, I would need to have an epidural once labour began for their convenience should I need to go to theatre, lucky I knew I had a choice and the right to say no. At 40 weeks the doctor felt my tummy and told me the baby was too big and in his opinion I would not be able to birth my baby and I would fail at an attempt. I was only 3 days past my ‘due date’ and they were already wanting to plan which course of action to take for induction to ensure they had enough staff that day. I wasn’t ready to entertain the idea of induction so dismissed and said we would talk next visit.

Surely enough labour began Sunday morning, 9 days past my ‘due date’, I was having surges 3-4 minutes apart all day, I listened to the affirmations, hypnosis tracks and relaxed. They subsided that afternoon and I managed to get some sleep overnight. We had to go to the hospital to be monitored (and discuss induction) on Monday anyway so we left an hour earlier then planned. The midwife hooked me up to the CTG monitor and three surges later my waters broke, three hours later our baby girl was born without complications or pain relief.

If we hadn’t of taken your classes and had that knowledge behind us, I believe the doctors would have won with their scare tactics and I wouldn’t have experienced a natural birth.

Thank you again for your positivity and encouragement 🙂

Kirra & Bruce

P.s I still can’t believe we did it!

hypnobirthing vbac rockhampton hypnobirth natural birth water birth antenatal class coursehypnobirthing hypnobirth rockhampton vbac natural birth water birth antenatal class course

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