
Beau born 5 October 2012

Our little baby boy, Beau, was born on 05 October at 3:50am, 8lbs 12oz.  As you can see from the attached photos he is absolutely gorgeous, perfect and healthy in every way!

On 3/10 I had an appointment with my obstetrician, at which time I was two weeks overdue (by my dates) and 10 days over by his dates (I did as you suggested and just kept this little fact to myself!).  At the appointment, my obstetrician advised Marty and I that the amniotic fluid had lessened and therefore there were some risks to the baby- and based on this he wanted to induce me the next morning at 7am.  This took me a bit by surprise (how soon the induction would happen) and I went home feeling more than a little anxious.  For the rest of that day and night we talked to our baby and I did all my relaxation tracks including one I had purchased on the internet that was titled ‘Induce my Labour’, but despite my efforts I laid awake in bed at 3am with no signs of labour starting….I was really worried about being induced and the labour not progressing and the medical interventions snowballing…so I got up and searched the internet plus my books (Hypnobirthing and Ina May) to find out for myself what exactly the risks were with regards to lowered amniotic fluid.  Ina May’s book suggested that this could actually be quite serious and did require consideration of medical intervention and coupled with the other information I read, we decided to go ahead with the induction for the wellbeing of our baby.

My obsetrician broke my waters at 12pm on 04/10 and gave me two hours to see if my contractions/surges would start on their own (very surprising considering his general attitude towards my Hypnobirthing views).  Contractions did start and were regular and about two minutes apart but at 2pm the medical staff decided they weren’t strong enough to take labour any further.  A huge positve at this stage of the day was the midwife we were allocated, Shavaughn, was amazing! She had done a ‘calm birth’ course prior to having her own baby only 12 months previous and she completed understood everything we were doing/wanting to achieve.  Shavaughn turned out to be one of our biggest advocates throughout the whole labour!

So at 2pm I was given an IV drip.  A 15 hour labour followed….which for the most part I was very comfortable and free from pain.  The breathing strategies you taught me, the affirmations and the positive mindset were invaluable….even Marty said to me at some point….”I was a little skeptical of all those Hypnobirthing videos we watched, like I didn’t actually think that it could happen, but your doing it”.  I was really relaxed and just as you had said, in between surges was my usual self and then during a surge would go in to my little zone.  Marty and Shavaughn used the affirmations, light touch massage, bath and encouragement the whole time to keep me on track.

Unfortunately at 11pm, Shavaughn’s shift was over and we had another midwife Ronnie who was not so Hypnobirthing inclined (ok, but definately not as good).  Labour progressed well and little Beau was right down in the ‘+1 or +2 station’ when he decided to turn his head and get stuck…..not such great news.  In the end, I had an emergency caesarean….not exactly the plan but we just really wanted our baby to arrive safely.

What I wanted to particularly mention to you and for you to pass on to other people is the way Hypnobirthing helped me with the unexpected (and much feared) CAESAREAN.  Up until that day I had been absolutely petrified of having a spinal injection and a caesarean.  When I practiced the relaxation tracks at home, I always felt as though I wasn’t doing them properly/wasn’t fully relaxing HOWEVER when it came to crunch time and I knew I had to get myself totally relaxed in preparation for the caesarean, I just did it! I went in to the deepest relaxation I have ever experienced and I was completely in my own zone….just as you said I could hear everything going on around me and I had all those thoughts I would normally have however none of it mattered- I was just so relaxed.  All of the nurses kept saying (as they were wheeling me up to theatre) “She’s having a snooze”, “Is she alright?”, “Is she asleep?”….and i remember laughing on the inside thinking ‘yep this is exactly like Melissa said’.
I did not even feel the two needles that were put in my back….i can honestly say that I did not feel a single ounce of pain…the experience was so positive…and the anaesthetist commented how easy it was to do the injections and hence i was unlikely to have to commonly experienced after effects- headache, bruising etc (which i didn’t have any of)

I can’t thank you enough Melissa for everything you taught Marty and I! What we have learned was not only invaluable for the birth of our son but also for life in general.  I have used the breathing and relaxation techniques on many occassions since, particularly when breastfeeding in those early days when my breasts and nipples got very tender and the sensations felt when latching him were intense.

Hope you enjoy the photos! Oh and by the way…..I couldn’t count how many people said that Beau was “calm and alert”……

Take Care,

Nyssa and Marty, Wamuran, Queensland

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