This positive birth story is from hypnobirthing mama Kate, who has written this whilst pregnant with her 3rd hypnobub. Here she shares her 2nd awesome hypnobirth experience…
In short – we did it! Another awesome hypnobirth!
Birth story of Remy
Born: Friday 31 October 2014, 6.26am
3.88 kgs, 51 cm

On Thursday 30 October, daddy went to work and Mason and I went over to Ma and Pa’s to hang out and have a swim – I needed some extra help because it had been really hot and I knew at any time you’d decide to arrive! We had a swim and some lunch and during the day I was texting with our student midwife Allie about our progress and what would happen if the hospital encouraged us to induce you. I had horrible images of me being attached to a drip and confined to the hospital while in labour and so I hoped really hard that you’d get a bit of a move on!
When daddy got home from work – we went outside and Mason and I walked up and down the stairs a lot to see if that would help move you out. I am not sure if it was that, other methods or just the fact that you were ready, but I started having regular contractions around 6pm with increasing intensity from 8pm. At 9.30pm Daddy and I decided to go to bed – this was a real test to see if you were going to progress – but with contractions every 5 minutes that I had to breathe through – it was clear to me that things were looking promising. I called the midwifes at the Birth Centre at 11.30 to let them know that it was looking like I’d be coming in, smsed Allie and woke up daddy. I called Ma and Pa to come over and watch your big brother. Karen, the Birth Centre midwife suggested that being our second baby, we come in sooner rather than later in case things progressed quickly – so after some thinking, we decided to go in around 12.30. The drive was fun – pot holes, speed bumps and bends – 3 surges in the car…

When we got to the Birth Centre we were assessed and they left us to labour together for a while. I walked a lot and bent over through the surges. Daddy was awesome – dancing with me and rubbing my back. Around 2am I started humming and ahhing through the surges – not just breathing – and the midwives said they were doing a celebration as this was a good sign of progress!
Because I didn’t want to slow down my labour, we held off getting in the tub until 4.30/5am. When I did get in, the relief was instant – I spent most of the time on all 4s with daddy pouring warm water over my back until the midwives suggested I try a few other positions too to make sure you weren’t too comfortable like laying on my back and lifting my pelvis through the surges. I found this position to be very intense but stuck with it as I figured if it felt like that, it must be doing something!
I started to feel a bit down – my membranes still hadn’t released, I was feeling tired and I felt like meeting you was taking too long! With lots of reassurance from daddy, we stuck at it and at about 6am my membranes finally released and the midwives said they could see the top of your head in the mirror!
My surges slowed and you started to move down. I breathed through each surge and tried not to push you too hard so your head could help stretch your way out. The burning feeling was strong but we did really well! I knew you would be here soon. And sure enough, at 6.26am, you were. Karen pushed you towards me under the water and I pulled you up on to my chest – where you coughed, sneezed and latched onto my nipple.
With lots of help, we got out of the bath while you wee-ed on me, and I sat on a stool to birth the placenta. Because of you suckling, I had one contraction and out it came. We clamped your cord and daddy cut it and we moved to the bed for a big cuddle.
About an hour later, daddy was anxious to get you weighed and measured, so Karen brought in the scales and gave you a good inspection. I got one too and unsurprisingly needed some stitches but otherwise everything was perfect.
Around 9am I went to get my minor procedure – once again, I wish there were some hypnobirthing tracks and affirmations for stitches – it was by far the worst part and I got high on happy gas while they assessed and repaired the damage (with lots of local anaesthetic too). TheOB Dr and Karen thought mummy was a bit funny – laughing and telling silly stories!
Around 10am I got back to our room and Mason and Ma were there to meet you! How nice it was to see you and your brother together – he had been waiting such a long time for your arrival and was so excited that you had come out of my tummy at last!
A few more check ups for you and me and we were given the ‘all clear’ to go home! We were home by 3pm and settled into our bed for some chill time before Mason came home at 6pm.
You are so loved.
Mummy and Daddy xxx
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