Alexandra Catherine-Rose born 22 February 2012

Louella and Nicholas (Mt Isa, Queensland) learnt Hypnobirthing via Skype lessons. Here is their story…

We were very happy with our birthing experience.
Hypnobirthing really helped me to release all my fears about birthing, to listen to my own self and body to believe that I could birth naturally.
I have to admit my hypnobirth was nothing like the videos we saw during our Skype sessions. However using the breathing techniques and remembering the affirmations helped.
At first I used my own music for birthing but once I was in the labour suite, I didn’t want any music, I just wanted to close my eyes, breath, listen to the affirmations in my head and follow what my body and baby were telling me.   My husband and friend were amazing throughout the birthing experience and the only thing I would do differently next time is stay home longer, at least another 2-3 hours.
The midwives and doctors at the Mount Isa hospital were amazing and respected our birthing preferences.
Once my birthing was over it was so amazing, rewarding and SO SURREAL to be holding our beautiful baby girl Alexandra Catherine-Rose in my arms, she was so tiny and beautiful.
Thank you Hypnobirthing Australia!!!
Louella and Nicholas, Mt. Isa, Queensland.
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