Aaliyah Grace born 26 October 2013

Hello Melissa,

How are you?

hypnobirthing canberra hypnobirth natural birth antenatal class SkypeI just wanted to touch base and let you know that we had a beautiful baby girl! Thank you for everything that you taught us it made such a difference and we had a perfect birth!! Her name is Aaliyah Grace, born 7 pound 9 on Saturday the 26th October at 8:07 pm

Labour started at 1am Saturday morning nothing too serious surges about 10 mins apart just enough to keep me awake. At about 8 am they stretched out to about half an hour or so until 2pm when they became stronger and I got into the zone. I was still laughing and having fun with our son Kai at 5pm ” so much more relaxed then I thought I would be! At 7pm I was a little unsure whether to go to the hospital or not but surges were about 3 mins apart so we decided to leave as I wanted a water birth and the bath takes an hour to fill. We made it to the birth centre in time for me to have a surge in the car park, one in the elevator, one in the hallway, one by the bed in the room and one on the toilet. I didn’t want to say that I thought the baby was coming just in case I was wrong so I thought maybe I just needed to go to the toilet as soon as a sat down my waters broke which is when I had the surge on the toilet then I stood up as soon as it had finished and I felt a big pressure and she was born! Just in time for Brendon to catch her she was nearly born in the toilet and I not once had to push! No tearing or grazes and a healthy mummy and baby ” I feel amazing. Brendon did such a great job he remembered everything that he had to :) he joked that she knew I wanted a water birth and saw the water in the toilet and thought that was her cue haha.

Thank you again, I have a few pregnant friends and I will be definitely recommending your course!

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx

Emma and Brendon, Canberra

(taught via Skype by Melissa ” but now we are proud to say that we have practitioners available in Canberra!)


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