We welcomed our little girl Aaliyah Fay into the world at 2:30am April 20, 2013 and born a healthy 8.2 Lbs.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have the planned hypnobirthing experience that we had hoped for but we did manage to utilize the tools that Melissa taught us and which prepared us for any turn my baby’s birth may take.
Aaliyah was very comfortable and content inside me as she decided to stay in an extra 2 weeks (42weeks). My waters partially broke and seeing that I wasn’t going into labour naturally, I had no other option to be induced as waiting might have put her at risk. I was part of a trial to draw the gel (which is what we preferred) or syntocinon. It was just my luck that I drew the syntocinon instead. The ambiance for the room was just right, lights dimmed, rocksalt lamp, lavender aromatherapy and Sheldon even stuck up the affirmations / rosebud on the wall, the midwives were very supportive in our hypnobirthing and respected every request.
I was however able to use my breathing techniques and listened to Melissa’s affirmations and visualisations which I found to be most soothing and kept me going through my surges. I also found myself to be extremely in tune to Sheldon’s light touch massage which he did the entire time I was in labour. Halfway through my labour, the ipod froze and despite being lost without these to listen to, I had to just keep repeating affirmations in my mind, while the midwife hooked up some easy listening music on their ipod.
I did get to the point of asking for an epidural, but with Sheldon, my mum and a midwife (richard, yes a guy, who was amazing) I was talked out of it and opted to use gas to get me thru. My labour was approx 13hrs. And at the end, the midwife didn’t even realize I was so close until I said I can feel something (which turned out to be her head haha) Sheldon received her into his hands and it was a moment of joy that he will never forget.
At the end, Richard my midwife said he couldn’t get over how calm and relaxed I was despite me being on the drip and most people are likely to have an epi, which made me feel very proud of my myself. He also said that we were the most supportive couple he’s had and that we’re welcome back anytime to be a part of the Midwifery group for #2 as Sheldon made his job easy.
Even though she was a perfect little girl and scored 10/10 on her APGAR test; a day later we realized that she had TTN (Wet Lungs) and could have possibly swallowed in some meconium and had to spend 3 days in special care nursery on an IV drip, 48hrs of antibiotics, many injections, and scans and glucose tests. She was a little pin cushion by the end of it
She is home and apart from the usual new born adjustments she is melting every ones hearts, especially her mum n dads hehe :-)) She is so precious, and we are totally smitten.
Aaliyah is definately a hypno baby as many have commented on how alert she is, and is surprisingly strong for a bub her age.
Even though it wasn’t the birth we planned for, we can’t thank Melissa enough for giving us the tools necessary to get through this.
Amanda and Sheldon, Peak Crossing, Queensland