
Our 100% pain free fuss free textbook Hypnobirth

“The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Course changed our lives.”

I really wish that everyone in the whole world knew about hypnobirthing… Feels like the whole journey would be a whole lot less scary for a whole lot more women!

I remember I was so scared before I met you – to the point of not even being able to think about the upcoming birth without panicking.

Pain Free Hypnobirth
Hypnobirthing Parents Lu & Brian
Then we did your class, and when Fisher was born, I was so amazed by how fast everything went. My waters had broken unexpectedly and I had wanted to stay at home until I knew that I was really going to have the baby, but Brian just took over and brought me to the hospital, and we kept doing what you told us to and what we practiced and out flew a baby. I never even had enough time to open our bag of essential oils and music and all the rest. I said to the nurses straight after – “Oh that was all so unexpected. We wanted to do hypnobirthing…” – And all the nurses laughed and one said “Love, believe me, you totally hypnobirthed that baby!”
It actually changed our whole relationship, you see. – I think before we did hypnobirthing, Brian really thought that there was so much ‘women stuff’ that he had no place in, but once he realised how important his role was in childbirth, that attitude carried right through into our lives and he is a very involved dad and husband, even when things got really tough for us – like when I had to be palliative carer for my mum, he basically just took care of everything for Fisher. And that attitude and the knowledge that he has a sacred responsibility as a father and husband really started to empower him the moment he left your class room. So I’m not exaggerating when I say your class changed our lives, even beyond the birth!
Lu & Brian

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Hypnobirthing Pain Free Birth Natural Birth
Hypnobub Fisher
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