
Dreamtime for Kids (MP3 Download)

This album is especially made for our toddlers and children. Melissa originally wrote the scripts for her own three children and they were so effective that she recorded a special album just for children! Through deep relaxation and messages of positive mindfulness that are given at night, as they drift of to sleep; the subconscious is filled with positive messages for self-esteem, confidence, gratitude and happiness. 

“I couldn’t help but drop you a line saying the girls 6 & 4 absolutely LOVED Dreamtime for kids. The older one fidgets a lot at bedtime before going to sleep, well not last night, they were so calm and relaxed. Miss 4 was asleep with a smile within 10 mins and Miss 6 so still and said this morning, “Mum I loved that stuff you put on, can we have it every night.” Lisa, Burwood.

Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.



Through deep relaxation and positive mindfulness techniques; this album is designed to assist children to build self-esteem, confidence, feel gratitude and happiness and to live a happy, healthy and positive life.

Most children already have such a wonderfully vivid imagination; that the easiest way to nurture and build their confidence and self-esteem, is through repetition and story-telling. This album incorporates both.

The album consists of three tracks.

Track 1 gives instructions on how positive affirmations can be used in everyday life.

Track 2 ‘Affirmations for Kids’ is a track of positive affirmations and messages, which can be played at any time of the day or evening.

Track 3 ‘Dreamtime for Kids’; is especially designed for sleep-time – using the story of a child who turns into a magnificent bird for a flight of fancy. The storyline incorporates messages of positive self-esteem, sharing, thankfulness, speaking out loud, healthy eating, making decisions, trusting emotions, reading the emotions of people’s faces and body language, freedom, joyfulness and many other important lessons and insights along the way.

  1. Affirmations for Kids Introduction   1.58
  2. Affirmations for Kids   8.44
  3. Dreamtime for Kids   17.11

Spoken word by Melissa Spilsted. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.

About the Artist:

Melissa is a renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist (Clinical Member of the AHA) and has appeared many times in the media, including The Australian Women’s Weekly, Nurture Magazine, Practical Parenting Magazine, radio stations & her work has been showcased at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. She is mother to three beautiful children and has regularly practiced mindfulness training with her children over the years, with magnificent results. The best thing is – most of the training has occurred during a bedtime story. 😉

You may also be interested in Melissa’s general hypnotherapy albums specifically for relaxation, sleeping, children, stress/anxiety and other subjects.