

How do I purchase and login to my account?

1. Go to the shopping cart and select the products that you wish to purchase by clicking the ‘ADD TO CART’ box below each product.

2. When you have chosen your selection you can view all items by clicking the VIEW CART button (located on the upper right-hand side of the page).

3. View your cart. You can delete products from your cart if you wish by clicking on the ⓧ icon beside the product.

4. When happy with your selection, click the ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’ box.

5. Complete your billing details, credit card details and be sure to tick the box to show ‘I’ve read and accept the terms and conditions’ – then click on ‘PLACE ORDER’.

6. You will receive an email with account details to login. If you are already a member you can login using your username and password.

7. You can login to the online membership portal via this link: SIGN IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT

Should you have forgotten (or not received) your password, you can simply enter your email address at login and request a new password. You can change your email and password from the ‘Settings’ menu once logged in if you would like (refer icon or menu bar – top of screen). 😉

If you have followed the above steps and are still experiencing login issues, please contact us so that we can rectify the problem asap.