When I first fell pregnant over 13 years ago, my GP asked if I had private health insurance. I did. I was promptly given a referral to the nearest private hospital and advised to choose my obstetrician. I didn’t even know midwives existed.
What a journey my first baby’s birth led me on all those years ago, reminding my soul of its calling to midwifery and sparking this deep passion for advocacy and empowering women to embrace their matrescence journey with courage, fire, grace and grit!
I am now a proud Registered Midwife, Hypnobirthing Practitioner Childbirth Educator, IBCLC Lactation Consultant, Gentle Sleep Educator/Consultant- and mother of three!
Every couple deserves to emerge from their birth experience feeling empowered, confident, safe and well- both physically and emotionally. Sadly, too many women emerge from birth feeling traumatised, bewildered and overwhelmed. We can, and must do better!
Hypnobirthing Australia provides that opportunity with the Positive Birth Program and Positive Caesarean Program. Comprehensive and evidence-based, it shares the knowledge, tools, and preparation to support women to have the most positive birth possible- not by chance, but by their own informed, empowered choice.
Why invest in positive birth preparation for just one short day in your life? Because birth is NOT just another day: It is the beginning of postpartum that will shape the rest of your lives, because postpartum is forever.