Hi, my name is Liz, I have been a chiropractor of mums and bubs for over 17 years! I have a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Masters of Chiropractic from Macquarie University, I also have extra 2 years post-graduate study to become an advanced Paediatric chiropractor, as well as being a hypnobirthing practitioner.
Over the years I have seen what helps mothers step through their journey to motherhood with more ease, better health, and more empowerment. There is a difference in health outcomes for mothers that get body work done, and get educated in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
When it comes to birth there is a less than 30% chance of having a natural delivery in Australia (ABS 2022). So getting prepared and educated can really be a game changer.
If you had to run a marathon most people would train, prepare the body, get educated, and get some tools under their belt to help. Well birthing is similar, it is one of the biggest events the human body will go through! As women, let’s get educated and prepared to have the best possible experience and pathway into motherhood.