Hi, my name is Deb Godber
My interest in positive birthing started back in 1984 when I was living in the UK and had newly qualified as a nurse. I was 21 and pregnant for the first time.
My husband and I enrolled in national childbirth classes which looking back were not dissimilar to the hypnobirthing Australia classes.
I went on to have four gentle births three in my own home which I believe were a result of the NCT teachings. I trained and worked as a volunteer breastfeeding councillor for five years before moving to Australia.
It was while working as an RN in Roebourne Western Australia that I was given the opportunity to train as a midwife and lactation consultant.
Over the last twenty-plus years, I have predominantly worked with pregnant and birthing women and supported them to breastfeed their babies.
I attended a hypnobirthing supporters workshop last year when working in Karratha run by Western Australia Country Health Service and felt empowered to become a practitioner.
My main interest is supporting women who may have had a traumatic experience in the past to experience a gentle birth however it may go