
I initially thought hypnobirthing was just for ‘crazy hippies’

Lincoln’s Amazing Birth Story (with Cholestasis and Induction!) The only way to fully capture how thankful I am to have completed the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course with Hannah from is to start from the reason I first wanted to do hypnobirthing. In February 2015 I watched a close friend get booked in for an induction at […]

“A wave of emotions hit me and charged up my energy level”

Birth Story, Natural Birth, Hypnobirth, Darwin

Little Asha Jade was born on Monday night at 10:35pm. It was the most beautiful and special day of our lives. Asha was born in the birth centre in the Royal Darwin Hospital. I felt lucky to be able to give birth in this beautiful and spacious room with a big spa and double bed. […]

A Beautiful Posterior Birth Story!

Posterior Birth, Posterior Position, Natural Birth, Hypnobirthing

We did it! Our beautiful boy Ellis was born on 24th September and he is perfection. After having the most beautiful hypnobirthing experience with our daughter Layla, I could only hope things would go as smoothly when we fell pregnant with our second little bub. During my pregnancy, I did however find myself becoming increasingly […]

“Third time around we have ANOTHER charming hypnobirth in water birth”

Hypertension in labour. Labour Induction water birth natural birth

Third time is another charming hypnobirthing water birth “I am focussed on a calm, easy birth” “Every surge brings my baby closer to me” “I trust my body’s innate wisdom to do what it is designed to do” “I am a strong woman” I love birthing affirmations. Not only are all the messages beautiful and […]

Our 100% pain free fuss free textbook Hypnobirth

“The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Course changed our lives.” I really wish that everyone in the whole world knew about hypnobirthing… Feels like the whole journey would be a whole lot less scary for a whole lot more women! I remember I was so scared before I met you – to the point of not even being […]

What’re you going to do babe? “Just have a baby!”

Rachael’s 2nd Awesome Hypnobirth Story! Monday 30th of October my started surges at work, nothing too full on but there was one that made me stop and breathe, I actually said to a work colleague that I didn’t think baby would wait much longer. That night they picked up to about 10 mins apart & […]

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